Results for 'Mariele A. Courtois'

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  1.  4
    Teaching Christian Health Care Ethics.Mariele Courtois - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (2):283-301.
    One unique challenge in teaching Christian health care ethics involves helping students to appreciate the delicate context of clinical decision-making scenarios. Another challenge involves helping students to empathize with the perspectives and appreciate the expertise of various parties. Finally, students need clear examples of the dangers of reductive medical paradigms. Toward these goals, mock clinical ethics consultations can help students to value respectful ethical discourse and to build necessary virtues for effectively engaging in such dialogue, such as humility, gentleness, and (...)
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    Unlike Diamonds, Defibrillators Aren’t Forever: Why It Is Sometimes Ethical to Deactivate Cardiac Implantable Electrical Devices.Daniel P. Sulmasy & Mariele A. Courtois - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (2):338-346.
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    Why the Common-Sense Distinction between Killing and Allowing-to-Die Is So Easy to Grasp but So Hard to Explain.Daniel P. Sulmasy & Mariele A. Courtois - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (2):353-358.
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    Encountering Artificial Intelligence: Ethical and Anthropological Reflections.Matthew J. Gaudet, Paul Scherz, Noreen Herzfeld, Jordan Joseph Wales, Nathan Colaner, Jeremiah Coogan, Mariele Courtois, Brian Cutter, David E. DeCosse, Justin Charles Gable, Brian Green, James Kintz, Cory Andrew Labrecque, Catherine Moon, Anselm Ramelow, John P. Slattery, Ana Margarita Vega, Luis G. Vera, Andrea Vicini & Warren von Eschenbach - 2023 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick Press.
    What does it mean to consider the world of AI through a Christian lens? Rapid developments in AI continue to reshape society, raising new ethical questions and challenging our understanding of the human person. Encountering Artificial Intelligence draws on Pope Francis’ discussion of a culture of encounter and broader themes in Catholic social thought in order to examine how current AI applications affect human relationships in various social spheres and offers concrete recommendations for better implementation. The document also explores questions (...)
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    The Rising Global Cancer Pandemic: Health, Ethics, and Social Justice, edited by Andrea Vicini, S.J., Philip J. Landrigan, and Kurt Straif. [REVIEW]Mariele Courtois - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (2):453-454.
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  6. La guerre en Irak peut-elle être justifiée comme un cas d’intervention humanitaire?Stéphane Courtois - 2006 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 1 (1):4-20.
    Most current criticisms against the intervention in Iraq have tackled the two justifications articulated by the members of the coalition: that the United States had to neutralize the threats that Iraq generated for their own security and to the political stability in the Middle Eastand that the war in Iraq can be justified as a necessary stage in the war against international terrorism. The principal objection against justification is that it was, and remains, unfounded. Against justification, many have replied that (...)
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    Subjectivity as Encounter: Feminine Ethics in the Work of Bracha Lichtenberg‐Ettinger and Anne Enright.Mariëlle Smith - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (3):633-645.
    The fragility of the subject is a recurring issue in the work of Anne Enright, one of Ireland's most remarkable and innovative writers. It is this specific interest, together with her attempt to make women into subjects, that inevitably links her work to Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger's theory of the matrixial borderspace, a feminine sphere that coexists with the Lacanian symbolic order and that, even before our entrance into this linguistic system, informs our subjectivity. By turning to a point in time before (...)
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    Are Hate Speech Laws Useless? An Appraisal of Eric Heinze’s Arguments.Stéphane Courtois - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (2):249-269.
    Most Western democracies and international institutions have currently adopted a range of policies aimed at regulating hate speech. However, the kinds of target groups that hate speech regulations seek to protect have not been clearly defined yet. In a series of publications, Eric Heinze has challenged the coherence of such regulations. His core thesis is that hate speech laws have simply no place in longstanding, stable, and prosperous democracies. In this paper, I examine the three main charges Heinze raises against (...)
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    Styles: critique de nos formes de vie.Marielle Macé - 2016 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    Occupy Wall Street, Indignés, Nuit Debout - plus que jamais la question est posée de définir la vie que nous souhaitons choisir et vivre. Une vie vécue est inséparable de ses formes, de ses modalités, de ses régimes, de ses gestes, de ses façons, de ses allures... qui sont déjà des idées. Le monde, tel que nous le partageons et lui donnons sens, ne se découpe pas seulement en individus, en classes ou en groupes, mais aussi en "styles", qui sont (...)
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  10.  40
    Multiculturalism and Equal Treatment.Stéphane Courtois - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:109-115.
    The literature on multiculturalism currently splits parties into two camps : those favorable to the uniform treatment of cultural differences and those favorable to their differential treatment. Brian Barry, perhaps of the most influential present supporters of the first camp, has recently developed a severe criticism of the second approach. I intend in this paper to examine the scope and limits of Barry’s own uniform treatment approach. First, I will present the grounds Barry has for supporting it. Second, I will (...)
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  11.  64
    L'éthique du discours et le problème de la connaissance morale.Stéphane Courtois - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (2):251-.
    ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to assess the coherence of the metaethical positions on which discourse ethics as developed by Habermas and Apel rests. After showing that one is faced here with a non-descriptivist, anti-realist but cognitivist moral theory, I examine whether a non-descriptivist cognitivism, on the one hand, and an anti-realist cognitivism, on the other hand, can consistently be held. I maintain that the problem of the relation between cognitivism and non-descriptivism is adequately solved by the two (...)
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  12.  66
    Les disciplines herméneutiques et la théorie critique sont-elles des formes de la rationalité scientifique?Stéphane Courtois - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (2):297-.
    The general aim of this paper is to question the idea that hermeneutic and critical social sciences have to be conceived as specific embodiments of the scientific enterprise. This idea is rather implicit in Habermas's work, but has its grounds in his thesis about the argumentative unity of all sciences, upheld for the first time in 1973. Such a point of view turns out to be untenable for two reasons. First, the indiscriminating inclusion of the hermeneutic and critical social sciences (...)
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    L'intervention humanitaire peut-elle être conçue comme un «devoir parfait»?Stéphane Courtois - 2008 - Dialogue 47 (2):291-310.
    This article examines the claim recently put forward by Terry Nardin, Kok-Chor Tan, and Carla Bagnoli that humanitarian intervention ought to be conceived, not as an imperfect duty (a duty of assistance to the victims of crimes against humanity left to the discretion of the members of the international community), but—assuming that the permissibility conditions have been satisfied—as a perfect duty (an unconditional obligation demanded by justice). After explaining why such a position can be considered as legitimate, it underlines some (...)
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    Are the precautionary principle and the international trade of genetically modified organisms reconcilable?Mariëlle Matthee & Dominique Vermersch - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1):59-70.
    This paper seeks to find possibilities forreconciliation of the implementation of theprecautionary principle and the promotion ofinternational trade of genetically modified organisms,based on the assumption that a sustainabledevelopment is a right objective to strive for. Itstarts with an explanation of the background and therole of the precautionary principle, and describes inwhat way measures based on the precautionary principlecan easily lead to the creation of trade barriers. Thearticle then examines to what extent the WTO (WorldTrade Organisation) Agreements allow theimplementation of the (...)
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    All Incomplete.Marielle Pelissero - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):141-143.
    Tirant son titre du prochain manifeste à paraître des deux auteurs, ce bref article met en relief la complicité intellectuelle entre Stefano Harney et Fred Moten au sein de nos sensibilités contemporaines. Il suggère quelques façons de les entendre dialoguer ensemble – entre eux, avec nous, parmi nous.
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    Habermas’s epistemic conception of democracy: Some reactions to McCarthy’s objections.Stéphane Courtois - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (7):842-866.
    The article aims at assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the objections to Habermas’s epistemic conception of democracy raised by Thomas McCarthy in some of his essays. The author defends two ideas. First, he contends that McCarthy is mistaken in believing that democratic debates would not be a matter of consensus. In this regard, two arguments are raised, showing that the search for agreement and consensus by citizens in public forums can hardly be dismissed and that consensus can be invested (...)
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    Professional Nurses Should Have Their Own Ethics: the Current Status of Nursing Ethics in the Dutch Curriculum.Mariël Kanne - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (1):25-33.
    Should nurses have their own ethics to match specific problems met in their daily routines? How do nurses act in a society that is changing from a 'monocultural' to an 'intercultural' structure? What are the ethical consequences of these changes for their many tasks? How can the ethical aspects be taught to nurses? This article describes the current status of nursing ethics in the curriculum taught in schools of higher education for nurses in The Netherlands. Aspects of the debate on (...)
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  18.  32
    The Birth of Injustice: COVID-19 Hospital Infection Control Policy on Latinx Birth Experience.Marielle S. Gross & Alexandra Norton - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):102-104.
    Disparities in maternal morbidity and mortality for Latinx populations are a paradigmatic example of the now widely acknowledged structural racism in U.S. health care that predisposed minorities to...
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  19.  47
    Revisitando la relación hombre-naturaleza. Implicancias Del marxismo ecológico.Mariel Daniela Zanuccoli & Margarita Portapila - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    La denominada “crisis ambiental” que advierte sobre los límites materiales del planeta ha dado lugar a una extensa producción teórica durante décadas. Producción que, como regla general, ha relegado la relectura de los textos clásicos de las ciencias sociales. El presente artículo rescata algunos debates contemporáneos relacionados con la lectura en clave ecológica de la obra de Marx. Obra que adquiere especial importancia al momento de comprender las formas que toma la explotación de la naturaleza bajo el sistema capitalista, problemática (...)
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  20.  25
    Rethinking “Elective” Procedures for Women's Reproduction during Covid‐19.Marielle S. Gross, Bryna J. Harrington, Carolyn B. Sufrin & Ruth R. Faden - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):40-43.
    Common hospital and surgical center responses to the Covid‐19 pandemic included curtailing “elective” procedures, which are typically determined based on implications for physical health and survival. However, in the focus solely on physical health and survival, procedures whose main benefits advance components of well‐being beyond health, including self‐determination, personal security, economic stability, equal respect, and creation of meaningful social relationships, have been disproportionately deprioritized. We describe how female reproduction‐related procedures, including abortion, surgical sterilization, reversible contraception devices and in vitro fertilization, (...)
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  21.  9
    U.S. Healthcare Provider Views and Practices Regarding Planned Birth Setting.Marielle S. Gross, Ha Vi Nguyen, Jessica L. Bienstock & Natalie R. Shovlin-Bankole - 2024 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 35 (1):23-36.
    Background: Little is known about U.S. healthcare provider views and practices regarding evidence, counseling, and shared decision-making about in-hospital versus out-of-hospital birth settings. Methods: We conducted 19 in-depth, semistructured, qualitative interviews of eight obstetricians, eight midwives, and three pediatricians from across the United States. Interviews explored healthcare providers’ interpretation of the current evidence and their personal and professional experiences with childbirth within the existing medical, ethical, and legal context in the United States. Results: Themes emerged concerning risks and benefits, decision-making, (...)
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    Het geweten – een katholiek antropologische verkenning.Mariéle Wulf - 2017 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 109 (3):365-383.
    Conscience – a catholic anthropological vision In the catholic tradition conscience always played an important role as visible in the ‘clausula Petri’ (Ac 5,30-33) or in Paul’s belief in its wisdom (Rm 2,14-16). Conscience can break rules (‘epikeia’), but should not stand up against the church as such. Luther’s historical deed left behind a distrust in conscience in the Catholic Church; it took 400 years to restore Paul’s vision of the conscience as the highest authority – if it is formed (...)
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  23.  24
    Respire, Con-spire.Marielle Macé & Alexis Ann Stanley - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):177-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Respire, Con-spireMarielle Macé (bio)Translated by Alexis Ann StanleyA rather suffocating atmosphere is becoming our customary environment, ecologically, politically, and socially. It is time to affirm "a universal right to breathe"–what Achille Mbembe called the essential demand for justice that escalated during the age of the Anthropocene and is now crudely reemerging in the current pandemic's attack on the respiratory system.But the right to breathe is not "merely" the right (...)
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    Suppression of Pitch Labeling: No Evidence for an Impact of Absolute Pitch on Behavioral and Neurophysiological Measures of Cognitive Inhibition in an Auditory Go/Nogo Task.Marielle Greber & Lutz Jäncke - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:585505.
    Pitch labeling in absolute pitch (AP), the ability to recognize the pitch class of a sound without an external reference, is effortless, fast, and presumably automatic. Previous studies have shown that pitch labeling in AP can interfere with task demands. In the current study, we used a cued auditory Go/Nogo task requiring same/different decisions to investigate both behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of increased inhibitory demands related to automatic pitch labeling. The task comprised two Nogo conditions: a Nogo condition with pitch (...)
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  25.  11
    On What Grounds should Religious Practices be Accommodated?Stéphane Courtois - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 61:43-48.
    In this paper, I seek to challenge two prevailing views about religious accommodation. The first maintains that religious practices deserve accommodation only if they are regarded as something unchosen on a par with the involuntary circumstances of life people must face. The other view maintains that religious practices are nothing more than preferences but questions the necessity of their accommodation. Against these views, I argue that religious conducts, even on the assumption that they represent voluntary behaviours, deserve in certain circumstances (...)
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    Si vous aimez une rive, habitez l’autre (autour des catégories de la « préférence » esthétique).Marielle Macé - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):167-173.
    Cet article se penche sur la question des préférences de Gérard Genette, et chez Gérard Genette : sur ses objets de prédilection, c’est-à-dire sur ses « choses » préférées (œuvres, musiques, formes d’art, figures, paysages, personnes) ; mais surtout sur la préférence comme catégorie de la perception, du goût et du jugement, forme sensible de la relationnalité ou de la transcendance esthétique, et sur ce que cette affaire de préférences dit d’un certain rapport sensible aux généralités et aux catégories de (...)
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  27.  38
    Home Birth in the United States: An Evidence-Based Ethical Analysis.Marielle S. Gross, Vivian Altiery De Jesus & Paige M. Anderson - 2024 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 35 (1):37-53.
    The assumption in current U.S. mainstream medicine is that birthing requires hospitalization. In fact, while the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists supports the right of every birthing person to make a medically informed decision about their delivery, they do not recommend home birth owing to data indicating greater neonatal morbidity and mortality. In this article, we examine the evidence surrounding home birth in the United States and its current limitations, as well as the ethical considerations around birth setting.
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  28. Cognitive Ontology in Terms of Cognitive Homology: The Role of Brain, Behavior, and Environment for Individuating Cognitive Categories.Beate Krickel & Mariel Goddu - forthcoming - In Gualtiero Piccinini, Neurocognitive Foundations of Mind. Routledge.
    How should scientists carve up cognition to generate good predictions, explanations, and models of cognition? This chapter argues that cognitive categories should be constructed the same way that biological categories are: in terms of homology. The chapter adapts a developmental account of trait identity from evolutionary-developmental biology to make sense of the notion of “cognitive homology.” The consequence is that both brain structures and the organism’s ongoing interactions with the environment are crucial for individuating cognitive homologies, and thus for cognitive (...)
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  29.  19
    Les religions possèdent-elLes le Droit d’être protégées contre Les expressions offensantes?Stéphane Courtois - 2020 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 15 (1-2):87-112.
    Stéphane Courtois Dans un contexte mondial de plus en plus tendu depuis les événements du 11 septembre 2001 où de simples caricatures satiriques ont semé la controverse et ont même déclenché des attaques terroristes, la question se pose de savoir si les religions possèdent le droit d’être protégées contre le blasphème et les expressions offensantes Le présent texte entend répondre à cette question par la négative. Il montre que les lois contre le blasphème sont tombées en désuétude dans la (...)
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    Corpus, caro y anima, en la concepción del hombre de Tertuliano.Mariel Giacomone - 2015 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 18 (35):69-85.
    En este trabajo abordamos la concepción del hombre de Tertuliano, pensador africano del siglo II, en el marco de su inserción en la tradición apologista de Justino e Ireneo. Al igual que ellos, el cartaginés adopta una consideración positiva del cuerpo, más específi camente de la carne, como elemento constitutivo en la definición del hombre, pareciendo asumir, en ocasiones, la carga de la especificidad humana. Sin embargo, Tertuliano atiende a la noción de alma como un aspecto central de su esquema (...)
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    Rethinking the Mechanisms Underlying the McGurk Illusion.Mariel G. Gonzales, Kristina C. Backer, Brenna Mandujano & Antoine J. Shahin - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The McGurk illusion occurs when listeners hear an illusory percept, resulting from mismatched pairings of audiovisual speech stimuli. Hearing a third percept—distinct from both the auditory and visual input—has been used as evidence of AV fusion. We examined whether the McGurk illusion is instead driven by visual dominance, whereby the third percept, e.g., “da,” represents a default percept for visemes with an ambiguous place of articulation, like/ga/. Participants watched videos of a talker uttering various consonant vowels with and without audios (...)
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    Personal prenatal ultrasound use by women’s health professionals: An ethical analysis.Marielle S. Gross, Gail Geller & Anne Drapkin Lyerly - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (4):364-370.
    Prenatal ultrasound use is skyrocketing despite limited evidence of improved outcomes. One factor driving this trend is the widely recognized psychological appeal of real-time fetal imaging. Meanwhile, considering imperfect safety evidence, U.S. professional guidelines dictate that prenatal ultrasound—a screening test—should be governed by expected clinical benefits—an opportunity for intervention. However, when women’s healthcare professionals themselves are pregnant, their access to ultrasound technology permits informal, personal use that may deviate from standard-of-care, e.g., for reassurance. Highlighting a poignant case wherein a pregnant (...)
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  33.  53
    Le faillibilisme de Jürgen Habermas et ses difficultés : un faillibilisme conséquent est-il possible?Stéphane Courtois - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (2):253-.
    S'agissant du problème lié au statut de la connaissance humaine en général, la querelle du faillibilisme et du fondationnalisme n'est pas neuve. On peut même dire qu'elle parcourt l'histoire de la philosophie depuis ses tout débuts. Dans le contexte des préoccupations propres à la pensée contemporaine, cette querelle semble cependant se cristalliser autour de la question suivante : quel statut devons-nous aujourd'hui accorder à nos énoncés philosophiques? Pouvons-nous et devons-nous encore revendiquer pour ces énoncés, traditionnellement chargés d'établir les fondements et (...)
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  34.  27
    Le temps familial, une question de rythmes ?Anne Courtois - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans Thérapie familiale, Genève, 2002, Vol. 23, n° 1, p. 21-34. Nous remercions Anne Courtois de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Résumé : Le temps familial, une question de rythmes ? Réflexions épistémologiques et cliniques. – La dimension temporelle a, pendant de longues années, été complètement évacuée par les différentes écoles de thérapie familiale. Aujourd'hui, l'histoire du groupe familial, l'évolution dans le temps de la relation thérapeutique est prise en compte. (...) - (...)
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    Arts de la ruse: un tango philosophique avec Michel de Certeau.Fleur Courtois-L'Heureux - 2009 - [Cortil-Wodon?]: E.M.E..
    Les arts de la ruse constituent un champ exploratoire où se tissent et se recroisent des pratiques tant réflexives que non-réflexives: des tactiques animales de chasse ou de camouflage aux adresses agiles de scientifiques pour construire des théories pertinentes. Michel de Certeau, jésuite érudit, au carrefour des tournants linguistique et pragmatique de la fin du XXe siècle, a travaillé ce tissage insolite de pratiques à travers les sciences humaines, questionnant et braconnant tour à tour les ruses du théoricien et celles (...)
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    Genethics and Human Reproduction: Religious Perspectives in the Academic Bioethics Literature.Aasim I. Padela & Mariel Kalkach Aparicio - 2019 - The New Bioethics 25 (2):153-171.
    The successes of the human genome project and genomics research programs portend great potential to improve upon health and enhance life. As scientific advancements continue, bioethicists and policy makers deliberate over the social and ethical implications of genetic and genomic technologies and information (ggT/I). The application of ggT/I to human reproduction raises conceptual and moral questions about being human and the links between offspring, parents, and society. Given ggT/I’s ability to significantly affect the biological constitution of humans and future human (...)
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  37.  56
    La religion dans l’espace public : quelques commentaires sur les positions récentes de Habermas.Stéphane Courtois - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (1):91-112.
    ABSTRACT: This paper aims at providing a general assessment of Habermas’s recent positions on the place of religion in the public sphere. After reviewing and contrasting Rawls’s and Habermas’s respective positions on the issue, it argues that Habermas’s contribution raises some difficulties both theoretical and practical. At the theoretical level, it is shown that Habermas’s contribution poses a problem of coherence with respect to his more general conception of deliberative democracy. At the practical level, the soundness of Habermas’s view of (...)
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  38.  58
    Principe de discussion et éthique de la responsabilité chez Karl-Otto Apel.Stéphane Courtois - 1995 - Dialogue 34 (4):695-.
    Les recherches poursuivies par les membres de l'école de Francfort depuis la seconde moitié des années quatre-vingt se signalent primordialement par l'intérêt porté au problème général des conditions d'application de l'éthique de la discussion au domaine du droit et de la politique. En témoignent les recueils publiés récemment par Karl-Otto Apel, en particulier Diskurs und Verantwortung et Zur Anwendung der Diskursethik in Politik, Recht und Wissenschaft, ainsi que l'ouvrage volumineux de J. Habermas consacré à la théorie du droit, Faktizität und (...)
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  39.  78
    Habermas et la question du nationalisme : le cas du Québec.Stéphane Courtois - 2000 - Philosophiques 27 (2):377-401.
    Le but de notre article est de montrer que les écrits politiques récents de Jürgen Habermas permettent de jeter un éclairage neuf sur la situation politique du Québec. Après avoir rappelé les principaux traits de sa conception du nationalisme à la lumière de sa théorie délibérative de la démocratie, nous relevons les forces et les faiblesses de sa position. Nous montrons que ses forces consistent à rendre plausible l'idée que la reconnaissance des identités collectives n'est pas incompatible avec le système (...)
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    Experiential Simulations of Ethical Dilemmas in Accounting: Overcoming Challenges to Stimulate Ethical Thinking.Claire-France Picard & Cynthia Courtois - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 20:163-194.
    Given the current business environment, business managers and accountants are more likely to encounter situations with ethical implications. Hence, business and accounting education should prioritize ethical skills such as critical thinking. However, significant pedagogical challenges await those who wish to venture down this path. Despite new educational tools in business and accounting ethics, we believe that new activities are needed to improve the acquisition of skills in professional ethics among students. Thus, we developed experiential simulations of ethical dilemmas inspired from (...)
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  41.  57
    Droits individuels ou droit des peuples ?Stéphane Courtois - 2004 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (4):629-642.
    Après avoir distingué deux orientations importantes du cosmopolitisme contemporain, l’une s’intéressant aux problèmes de justice distributive et une autre s’intéressant davantage aux principes démocratiques qui devraient régir un ordre politique mondial, l’auteur se concentre sur cette dernière orientation et pose à son endroit deux questions: Dans quelle mesure est-il réaliste d’envisager un ordre politique mondial qui ne soit plus fondé sur l’État-nation et sur la défense de sa souveraineté? Quelle place et quel rôle revient-il à l’État-nation dans un tel ordre? (...)
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    Le patriotisme constitutionnel de J. Habermas face au nationalisme québécois: sa portée, ses limites.Stéphane Courtois - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (4):765-.
    Il faut saluer, je pense, et avec bonheur, la parution récente de l’ouvrage Patriotisme constitutionnel et nationalisme. Sur Jürgen Habermas de Frédérick-Guillaume Dufour, un jeune auteur québécois qui semble plein de promesses. L’ouvrage s’inscrit à l’intérieur d’une vague de fond observable depuis quelques années déjà chez les chercheurs universitaires, tant au Canada qu’au Québec, qui s’intéressent de plus en plus aux travaux récents du philosophe allemand sur le droit et la démocratie délibérative, et tentent d’en tirer les implications pour l’analyse, (...)
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  43.  13
    On What Grounds Should Religious Practices Be Accommodated?Stéphane Courtois - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:87-92.
    In this paper, I seek to challenge two prevailing views about religious accommodation. The first maintains that religious practices deserve accommodation only if they are regarded as something unchosen on a par with the involuntary circumstances of life people must face. The other view maintains that religious practices are nothing more than preferences but questions the necessity of their accommodation. Against these views, I argue that religious conducts, even on the assumption that they represent voluntary behaviours, deserve in certain circumstances (...)
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  44.  19
    Validation of the French Version of the Positivity Scale (P Scale).Alexis Vancappel, Robert Courtois, Marta Siragusa, Coraline Hingray, Christian Réveillère, Gianvittorio Caprara, Catherine Belzung & Wissam El-Hage - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:724253.
    BackgroundThe purpose of this study is to assess the psychometric properties of the French version of the Positivity scale (P scale), a self-report measure of positivity, which is the tendency to view and address life and experience with a positive outlook. Positivity is seen as a latent factor underlying multiple cognitive concepts such as self-esteem, life satisfaction, and optimism.MethodsWe recruited 666 volunteers (540 women and 126 men). They completed the P scale online, as well as self-report measures of psychological well-being, (...)
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  45. Conscientious Conviction and Subjective Preference: On What Grounds Should Religious Practices Be Accommodated?Stéphane Courtois - 2011 - Philosophical Papers 40 (1):27-53.
    In this paper, I seek to challenge two prevailing views about religious accommodation. The first maintains that religious practices deserve accommodation only if they are regarded as something unchosen on a par with the involuntary circumstances of life people must face. The other view maintains that religious practices are nothing more than preferences but questions the necessity of their accommodation. Against these views, I argue that religious conducts, even on the assumption that they represent voluntary behaviours, deserve in certain circumstances (...)
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  46.  83
    Habermas's Cosmopolitan Perspective on Individual Rights and the Nation-State.Stéphane Courtois - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 2:111-118.
    In this paper the author examines the main features of Jürgen Habermas's cosmopolitan view of the global political order. He specifically examines the importance Habermas accords respectively to individual rights and the nationstate in such an order. After demonstrating that a global political order founded on the defence of individual human rights rather than the nation-state is an assumption that should be taken seriously, the author maintains that it would be undesirable to attribute only a secondary role to the nation-sate. (...)
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  47.  51
    Multiculturalism and Equal Treatment: Scope and Limits of the Uniform Treatment Approach.Stéphane Courtois - 2009 - South African Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):109-115.
    In this paper, I examine the scope and limits of Brian Barry’s uniform treatment approach to cultural differences through a critical assessment of its two main arguments. The first maintains that under a regime of institutions serving legitimate public purposes, equal opportunity is an objective state of affairs, and religious or cultural maladjustments to laws and public policies are morally irrelevant to the issue of equal opportunity. The other maintains that unlike physical disabilities, religious and cultural affiliations are the result (...)
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  48.  12
    Regards philosophiques sur la mondialisation.Stéphane Courtois & Jocelyne Couture (eds.) - 2005 - Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    Tous inédits, les textes qui composent ce recueil examinent la mondialisation ainsi que les enjeux et les défis qui s'y rattachent, sous l'angle de la philosophie sociale et politique contemporaine. Prolongeant les débats qui ont actuellement cours dans ces disciplines, l'ouvrage traite des différentes facettes de la mondialisation. Les auteurs explorent d'abord les liens qu'elle entretient avec le capitalisme, l'impérialisme, ainsi qu'avec l'idéologie néolibérale. Ils abordent ensuite les questions de justice distributive en contexte international et évaluent la nature des obligations (...)
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  49.  34
    Le cognitivisme moral de Habermas fait-il face au problème de Frege-Geach?1.Stéphane Courtois - 2008 - Philosophiques 35 (2):561-579.
    L’article cherche à fournir une défense de la théorie discursive de la morale de Habermas contre une critique importante formulée récemment par J. G. Finlayson, lequel soutient que Habermas rejetterait ce qu’il appelle le « cognitivisme métaéthique » et qu’un tel rejet le confronterait au problème de Frege-Geach. L’article démontre en détail que cette critique est non fondée. Il montre de plus que la seule forme de cognitivisme rejetée par Habermas est le descriptivisme moral en ce que cette approche serait (...)
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  50.  14
    Neighborhood hotspot and community awareness: The double role of social network sites in local communities.Koen Ponnet, Cédric Courtois, Bastiaan Baccarne & Jonas De Meulenaere - 2021 - Communications 46 (4):492-515.
    There is a tendency in the literature on local digital media use and neighborhood outcomes to conceptualize Social Network Sites as mere transmission channels, thereby ignoring SNSs’ dynamics and limiting the understanding of their role in neighborhood life. Informed by Communication Infrastructure Theory and social media literature, we propose and test a model to investigate the association between the use of SNSs, appropriated as online neighborhood networks, and neighborhood sense of community. We administered a survey to Flemish online neighborhood network (...)
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